Tag Archives: Rambouilett

A Wedding in France

Hi All,

This adventure begins as most do, at Los Angeles International Airport.  We were flying from Los Angeles to Paris on “Delta One.”  Sounds impressive, huh?  At the classy “Delta One” check-in counter we were greeted by name and offered a drink and a place to sit and relax after the ordeal of our 20 minute of Ubering to the airport.   Our luggage was immediately tagged and taken as we finished our drinks.  Then we were escorted to the front of the TSA security line.  We felt like two celebs (who barely knew each other), like Mick Jagger and Jennifer Lawrence (I don’t think they’ve ever even met).

The royal treatment didn’t end at TSA; when we got on board the plane, we were similarly treated like two people who have nothing in common and hardly knew one other (like Mick and Jennifer) .  The seating configuration in the “Delta One” section on this particular airplane is pretty much geared for solo travelers or for couples who hate each other.  There are no two seats in which you can sit together with your traveling companion or even see or even touch them without some acrobatic maneuver or getting up and walking to the other side of the plane.  Talking was quite difficult as was any form of physical contact.  I could barely see Jill (and remember, we’re still newlyweds).

Jill reaching longingly for an inaccessible me (notice that her seat and my seat are facing away at right angles to each other)

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